
The role of meditation in healing from cancer

Although I’d meditated on and off for over thirty years, I’d never found a practice that resonated with me. After the first diagnosis, I found my usual method of meditation little use in giving me the mental strength to cope with the disease. Fortunately, the second piece of advice I received from my psychologist was to start practising meditation as taught by Dr Joe Dispenza.

We all have limitations — whether they are related to our ability to create abundance, to make some change in our health, or to believe in ourselves. Through a series of courses and meditations, I was able to change my energy and get the self-belief that I could overcome stage IV cancer.

For me, the Journey and Dr Joe’s work dovetailed together. The former cleared the emotional trauma that contributed to my disease. The latter gave me mental strength and belief. You may need only one of these techniques, or you may need both. Each person will approach this work with different needs.

Meditation and cancer — the science

Meditation is an exercise that results in expanded consciousness. It removes accumulated stresses, and health is positively affected. Meditation is an exercise that occurs without the mind directing the process. In physical exercise, the mind does not tell the muscles to grow stronger; instead, the muscles grow through the training. Likewise, in meditation, the results are achieved automatically, not controlling the mind or by any mental manipulation.1

There is well-documented evidence for using meditation and other mindfulness techniques to manage cancer-related therapy symptoms by reducing toxicity and stress.2 

There is evidence that meditation can reduce the stress hormone cortisol in the body. A study published in the National Library of Medicine showed that meditation lowers cortisol levels in the blood. This result suggests that mediation can lower stress and decrease the risk of diseases.3 This has the double advantage of reducing stress and inflammation, a well-known cause of cancer. Nearly 300 studies have shown a link between meditation and improving those with inflammation.

In addition, a study that examined the relationship between the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone is known for its cancer regulating properties, showed that the practice of meditation is associated with increased levels of melatonin.4

My experience with meditation using Dr Joe Dispenza’s techniques went beyond simply managing chemo symptoms and anxiety. By using Dr Joe’s meditation techniques, I began believing I could cure my cancer at the cellular DNA level.

Meditation and DNA

So what is the evidence that meditation can alter DNA at the cellular level, which is one of Dr Joe Dispenza’s and Brandon Bay’s most significant claims? Well, the evidence is sound.

Just 15 minutes a day of meditation change how your cells function. A Harvard Medical School study showed that after meditating for eight weeks, meditators had changes in 172 genes that control inflammation, sleep, and sugar.5 

Other researchers looked at what happens to markers of aging in meditators cells. Telomeres are protective protein caps at the end of DNA strands in cells. Shorter telomeres lead to chronic stress and depression. These protective protein caps affect how our immune and cardiovascular systems work. Cells are more prone to disease and die faster with shorter telomeres. Significantly, telomeres are shorter in people with cancer, diabetes, heart disease and those with high-stress levels. 

Another Harvard University study found that the physiological response to meditation, yoga, tai chi, Qi Gong or prayer affects our genes.6 The study found a differential in expression in over 2000 genes between the meditators and the control group. In other words, meditation causes thousands of genes to turn on or off. 

Epigenetics and meditation

Until recently, genes were thought of as fixed at birth through inheritance. More recently, epigenetics studies show how behaviours and environment can cause changes that affect how our genes work. Evidence suggests that epigenetic modifications from a stressful environment can impact the genome. 

Meditation can elicit epigenetic events able to prevent disease and promote health. The evidence indicates that achieving a state of inner silence through meditation can prevent or reverse the detrimental effects of a stressful environment, including cancer development.7

A 2008 study by Dr Dean Ornish reported that diet, stress management, aerobic exercise and participation in a support group increased telomerase activity in men with prostate cancer. More recent work documented in Scientific American reported similar findings.8

Meditation with Dr Joe Dispenza

Although I had meditated for many years, it wasn’t until I started reading Dr Joe Dispenza’s books and listening to his mediations that I made any real breakthrough. Not only did I reduce my stress levels, but I also underwent a profound change in how I saw myself. Using his techniques, I created a new reality for myself. Instead of being the victim of ongoing medical problems, I manifested a state of perfect vibrant health. 

Scientific Research

Dr Joe has compiled evidence from thousands of brain scans and HRV testing. In addition, he has tested gene expression, immune regulation, cellular metabolism, and longevity measurements. Through this work, Dr Joe has created a formula that shows how we can induce, predict, and replicate certain states.10 

Case studies include the science behind seemingly miraculous healing in a stroke patient who had lost vision. Further studies at the University of California into the effects of meditation on the microbiome showed positive results. Scientific articles have been published by the University of Auckland, demonstrating how guided meditation intervention offers positive and immediate health benefits to help combat stress.

Meditations, Books and Courses for Healing

The guided meditations, courses and books I undertook using Dr Joe Dispenza’s techniques included the following.

Formula Online Course

This introductory online course is a great place to start if you are new to Dr Joe’s work. It includes knowledge, information and practical step-by-step guidance. The course consists of a series of videos and a digital handbook.


I read several Dr Joe’s books, including “You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter”, If you are seeking physical healing, this is an excellent place to start. I also read “Becoming Supernatural” and “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself.”


The guided meditations I practised included Tuning Into New potential. I used this meditation to create a vibrational match between my energy and my healing potential in the quantum field. This meditation enabled me to transform from a state of ill health to a state of perfect vibrancy by drawing on new opportunities, synchronicities, and coincidences. I progressed to “The Blessings of the Energy Centres” meditations. 


My experience with meditation and the science confirms that strengthening the mind through meditation leads to a better outcome for cancer patients. Not only is stress reduced, but profound changes can also happen at the genetic level. Any form of mindfulness or meditative practice may produce results. In my case, I followed the meditation techniques of Dre Joe Dispenza.


  1. Meditation: Process and effects; Available at URL:
  2. Evidence for the Role of Mindfulness in Cancer: Benefits and Techniques; Available at URL: 
  3. Effects of mindfulness meditation on serum cortisol of medical students; Available at URL:,in%20combination%20with%20standard%20treatment
  4. Meditation, melatonin and breast/prostate cancer: Hypothesis and preliminary data; Available at URL:
  5. Meditation Can Change Your Brain And Your Genes; Available at URL:,changes%20lowered%20their%20blood%20pressure
  6. Harvard Study finds that Meditation Impacts DNA; Availability at URL:
  7. Molecules of Silence: Effects of Meditation on Gene Expression and Epigenetics; Available at URL:
  8. Changing Our DNA through Mind Control?; Available at URL:
  9. World-First Evidence Suggests That Meditation Alters Cancer Survivors’ Cells; Available at URL:
  10. Unlimted with Joe Dispenza – Scientific Research; Available at URL:

By Andrew

Hi, my name is Andrew McDougall. I'm a 61-year-old cancer survivor and outdoor enthusiast. I have a keen interest in health and healing - mental, physical and spiritual. I set this site up to help others explore the research, facts and fiction about health and healing. I also document my healing journey from Stage IV bladder cancer to perfect, vibrant health. Originally from New Zealand, I now live in Melbourne, Australia, with my family of four. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any comments, questions or suggestions.

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