
How sleep affects cancer risk and treatment

Poor sleep is associated with chronic disease and not getting enough sleep. I’ve always been a poor sleeper, but I’ve worked on improving it. I wear blue-light-blocking glasses after sundown in the evening. I either get 30 minutes of early morning light before 8 am or wear light therapy glasses in winter. However, the single… Continue reading How sleep affects cancer risk and treatment

The role of the microbiome in cancer risk and healing

One of the keys to my healing with chemo the second time around was looking after my gut microbiome. Chemo and antibiotics can have a devastating effect on your gut. An underperforming gut microbiome not only affects your toilet habits but also impacts your immunity system and mental state.  I’ve always had limited success with… Continue reading The role of the microbiome in cancer risk and healing

The healing power of medicinal mushrooms

Lingzhi or Reishi mushroom with capsules, organic natural healthy food.

My first experience with chemotherapy was a rough one. I felt poisoned; the side effects saw me ending up in hospital with infected blood clots in my arms. I wasn’t even sure it was doing me any good. While in my first remission, a friend told me about the cancer prevention qualities of Reishi mushrooms.… Continue reading The healing power of medicinal mushrooms

A Fork in the Road

I’m faced with deciding whether to return to my previous career in IT or continue on my path of healing.

Latest Scan Results

Human body with digestive system on medical background. 3d illustration

I’ve just received my latest CT Scan results from my Oncologist. The scans show continuing excellent response to treatment. No sign of fluid build-up in the abdomen Flattening and softening of peritoneum tissue in the abdomen No sign of cancer in any organ, including the liver, large intestine and kidneys  Scarring on rib bones indicates… Continue reading Latest Scan Results